Atlantis Blueprint puts lost Civilization in Antarctica before the Last Ice Age

by Martha Jette
(Hamilton, Ontario)

Title: The Atlantis Blueprint
Unlocking The Mystery Of A Long-Lost Civilization
Authors: Rand Flem-Ath & Colin Wilson
© Copyright 2000
Published by: Little, Brown and Company, Great Britain
ISBN: 0-316-85313-5
Pages: 414

This rather large work begins with a discussion of Charles Hapgood's search for Atlantis. Author of Earth's Shifting Crust
(1958), Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings: Evidence of Advanced Civilization in the Ice Age (1966) and The Path of the Pole (1970), Hapgood hypothesized that the lost continent described by Plato was actually Antarctica before the last Ice Age.

He also believed the North Pole had shifted over the course of Earth’s history due to the ice at the pole causing the earth’s crust to shift. It was previously at a point in Hudson’s Bay in Northern Ontario and prior to that, in the Yukon, Canada.

The Piri Reis map is also discussed at length. This map suggests “a sophisticated seafaring civilization was already in existence long before 4,000 B.C.,” the authors write. Hapgood came to believe that Antarctica was free of ice as far back as 9,600 B.C. and 4,000 B.C. would be approximately the same time that Plato said Atlantis vanished (due to the ice age), the authors surmise.

Golden Section of Sacred Sites

This extensively researched work also shows how using the Great Pyramid at Giza as the prime meridian (instead of Greenwich) and the shifting locations of the North Pole throughout history reveals “Golden Section” sites. These sites can be found around the world at specific latitudes and longitudes and each one marks a sacred site, such as Stonehenge
in England, Rennes-le-Chateau in France, Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem (believed to be used in early times by the Templars), Xian, China (the White Pyramid) , Trujillo, Peru (ruins of Machu Picchu), Nippur (ancient religious capital of the Sumerians and many more.

This “blueprint” theory uncovers a “worldwide web of religious sites” that seem to follow a specific pattern of ley lines as well.

For those who enjoy learning what regular history books don’t tell us about our fascinating past, this book is a must-read. You can pick up a copy of The Atlantis Blueprint by going HERE.

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